Pacific J ournal of M edical and H ealth Sciences

ISSN No.: 2456-7450

Prof Emeritus Dr.S.K Verma
(Chief Editor)

Ravindra Bangar

2023 2022
2021 2020

A Bi-Annual International Peer Reviewed Journal of the Pacific Group of Institutions in the Medical and Health Sciences
The liability for any statement of fact or opinion in the research papers or articles is purely of the contributors and editorial board disclaims legal responsibility and liability for any assertion, fact, opinion or interpretation of the contributors. The responsibility for seeking permission of using any copyrighted material is exclusively of the contributor(s) concerned with Pacific Medical of University. No material is exclusively of the contributor(s) concerned with Pacific Medical of University. No material published in the Pacific Journal of Medical and Health Sciences or a part can be reproduced without the permission of the editor.